The Quickest Way To Living With Abundance and Prosperity

2 07 2009

What does it mean to have abundance and prosperity in your life? Certainly it may have to do with the money in your bank account, but that’s not all. Having prosperity and abundance refers to the opportunities that you feel are all around you, the relationships and family members, and the knowledge in your life. Prosperity and abundance come when you are using your talents and gifts to help others by living out your true purpose in life.

The Abundance Mentality, according to Stephen R. Covey is, “the paradigm that there is plenty out there for everybody.” There is an unlimited supply for all in the universe. Think of it as a cup overflowing with water. If you live according to the abundance mentality you are happy for people when they succeed, and look it as an opportunity to learn from them and reach that level yourself. The Scarcity Mentality is the opposite. If someone is living in scarcity they may be jealous of successful people, thinking these people took their opportunity for a raise, or to move up in their company. Truly successful people are those living in abundance which Covey says, “results in the sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits… It opens possibilities, options…and creativity.”

Feelings of abundance and prosperity apply to money as well. When you can believe that there is plenty of money in the world to go around as opposed to believing that money is hard to earn and attain, you will see changes in your financial situation occur. To attain wealth, one must believe that there is plenty of it in the world, not just a little bit. True prosperity is not only having enough money to live a life of freedom (after all, more money = more options) but knowing how to use that money to benefit others. Try giving some away, the more you give the more you get. Being stingy with your money takes you right back to the scarcity mentality but at the same time blowing it all is frivolous and disrespectful of it. You need to find a happy medium and place top priority on that, which is of utmost importance, the relationships in your life.

Once you get very clear on exactly what your life would look like if you believed you were living in abundance and prosperity, begin feeling grateful for it. Feel grateful for those things in your life as if they were already there. Gratitude puts the Law of Attraction in an accelerated state and you will begin to see abundance and prosperity occur in your life.Abundance

As you begin considering the abundance mentality, remember that the universe is limitless. It is only we humans that put restraints on what is possible. The sooner you realize that the whole universe is interconnected and start putting out those positive vibrations of abundance, the sooner more positive vibrations will find their way into your life. Remember, the more you think with a scarcity mentality, the more scarcity you will attract into your life. The more you think with an abundance mentality, the more abundant and prosperous your life will seem.

Amanda M. is a proud Home-Based Business Owner and Internet Marketer. Amanda is a motivated businesswoman who would love to help you achieve the personal and financial freedom you deserve. She enjoys living life to the fullest, good wine, exercising, traveling, reading, writing, and enjoying time with her husband, friends, and family. For more information about Amanda and the Home-Based Business opportunity she can share with you visit or her blog at

Generating Wealth – 4 Tips You Need to Know

29 06 2009

Are you frustrated by the constant feeling of not having enough money? Looking for ways to change your situation but just don’t know where to begin? You are not alone. As a matter of fact, many people are looking for ways to create more wealth in their life but truthfully, just don’t know how. Here are 4 necessary tips for generating more wealth in your life.

1. Gratitude
Although some may find this hard to believe the MOST important step to generating wealth in your life is to feel grateful for what you already have. Wealth is usually thought of as money. In reality, what is it that makes you truly wealthy? If you sat in a multi-million dollar mansion by yourself, would you be wealthy? No, you would most likely be lonely. It is very important to realize that true wealth in your life comes from the relationships, sentimental belongings, and the wisdom you possess. True wealth is having love in your life. That being said, feeling grateful is something you need to do on a daily basis. Try keeping a gratitude journal and write down just 5 things a day for which you are grateful. It could be that on the way to work you only had to stop at one red light, it could be that your infant child went to sleep last night without crying, or maybe that you are going to your favorite restaurant for dinner. Whatever it may be, feel grateful for the blessings in your life and you will begin to feel how much true wealth you already possess.

2. High Self-Esteem

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to be accepting of yourself and have a high self-esteem. Truly successful people have persevered through many rejections and jeers along the path to wealth. One reason is that most people are too lazy or too afraid of success to go after wealth them self. When they hear of a friend, family member, or coworker trying to better themselves they often put them down out of jealousy. The higher your level of self-esteem the more you will ignore negative forces and dare to go after that which you most desire. Your confidence is what will drive you to act upon your dreams. The people that don’t succeed are those who let their self-esteem be affected by negative forces or frustration. People are attracted to leaders, people with confidence. If you were considering going into business with someone but they were extremely insecure would you take the risk? Self-esteem is an extremely important, yet often overlooked factor in generating wealth in your life.

3. Get Focused on Your Goals

To be successful you must get crystal clear on what you want to achieve or have in your life. A focused person is a determined person. If you don’t know exactly what you are striving for, how can you expect to get it? To create wealth in your life, you must focus on that which you desire, allow nothing to distract you, and get the job done. If you don’t have your 1, 5, and even 20 year goals for every aspect of your life written out, it is high-time you did so. Accomplishing your goals has just as much to do with visualizing your life after achieving them as it does physically getting there. Get crystal clear on what you think your life would look like when you consider yourself truly wealthy, and you will see changes begin to take place. Don’t just say I want to drive a Mercedes, decide exactly what model, color, and interior you want. Then feel what it would be like to drive that car. Visualization is an extremely important tool in creating wealth. Get clear on your goals and you will be that much closer to attaining wealth!

4. Persistent Action

This last factor is one that gives the impression of being the most obvious and yet it seems to be the reason most people fail to achieve their goals. One reason is that persistency is a difficult quality to possess. It takes self-esteem to overcome setbacks, and the focus to accept nothing less than your goals. Taking action is easy when things are going your way, but when you hit a roadblock, are you going to give up, or persevere? Procrastination will get you nowhere, and being busy is not the same as being productive. You must act consistently, productively, and with confidence to achieve the wealth that you desire.

Now you understand that creating wealth has everything to do with your growth as a person and not just the growth of your money in the bank. When you change your opinion of what true wealth means and become willing to step outside the box and take persistent action, wealth will find its way into your life. Your wealth grows as you do so open up your heart and mind today!